Monday, June 13, 2011

Important charging issue...input deperately needed!

Haven't diagnosed the charging system on the bike yet BUT lats night I started the bike around dusk. The electric start won't work AND when I kicked the bike it started right up but I noticed the headlight would get brighter when I got the rpm's up. Started first kick this morning first kick, however when I went to restart it the after 50 miles the battery had just enough juice to light the tail light but would not start when I kicked it. Jumped it with cables and it fired first kick. Knowing what you just read, without me putting a volt meter on it yet...does it sound like a bad battery to you? It's a very expensive glass mat battery!


  1. Tombstone has very limited places to work on a bike properly...and no way to get parts without ordering them!

  2. Without being able to put a meter on it, and from your comment that the lights brighten when the motor is revved, my first suspicion would be a bad battery. How old is the battery? Do you have a battery charger to try and bring it back?

  3. it could be your batt but if its a new one and you ride often sounds like your not charging or not enough a stator check is easy enough but dont count out your regulator

  4. something else to check that will fuck you all up is a bad ground on your regulator if its internally grounded make sure your using star washer against whatever your mounting it to if its got a ground wire make sure its a good clean ground and nice n tight

  5. bad battery because of the stater....right?

  6. you have a regulator problem, no doubt. check your grounds. i would get a cheapo multimeter, get the bike started and start testing your levels to the battery, to the ignition and to the headlamp and test the generator. if it is fluctuating to your lights i am inclined to go with a poor regulator/recifier but that fluctuation could be ultimately caused by the generator being stupid and burning up the recifier. best advise i can give is to get some Honda stickers and apply then to the bike, it may fool the beast into thinking that it SHOULD work properly.
